The BH1750 IC is a digital Ambient light sensor IC that drives on i2c / IIC bus interface. It is possible to detect wide range at high resolution rated to 1 – 65535 LUX. Mostly used in Mobile Phone, LCD
Wiring with TCRT5000 Reflective Optical Sensor Module on Raspberry Pi
This is the Line Tracking Sensor designed for line following robots. The board has two main components IR Transmitter and IR Receiver in one package named TCRT5000. The TCRT5000 are reflective sensors which include an infrared emitter and photo-transistor in
Wiring the DS18S20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor with Bluetooth HC06 on Android & Microcontroller
DS18B20 communication is using 1 wire port. With the 1wire port the memory and control functions will not be available before the ROM function protocol has been established. The master must first provide on of five ROM function command. 1.
Wiring Bluetooth HC06 in 8 Channel Relay with Android & Arduino Microcontroller
Another guide how to wire the HCo6 and 4 Channel Relay for switching, The HC06 modules uses BlueCore is a single chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz system including enhance data rates (EDR) to 3Mbps. for more details
Wiring the IR Flame Detection Sensor with SBC Single Board Computer
This is the Flame detection sensor its detect 60 degree angle spectral sensitivity of 720-1100nm. The spectral sensitivity of this sensor is optimized to detect emissions from naked flames. The output signal DO is pulled on a high state (active
How MQTT Telemetry Transport Protocol Works for IOT Test with Mosquitto in Open GPIO Micro Computer
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) Protocol is a M2M (Machine to Machine) lightweight messaging protocol widely used in IOT (Internet of Things) that provides a resource constrained network clients. Almost IOT cloud platform support MQTT protocol to send and receive
Wiring IR (Infrared) Obstacle Avoidance Sensor with Raspberry Pi
IR (Infrared) obstacle avoidance Sensor module uses infrared reflection principle to detect obstacle. This sensor has a high precision components paired of infrared transmitter and receiver. The transmitter tubes emit a certain frequency of infrared when detecting a direction or
Wiring Water Level, Rainfall, Leakage, Flood Meter Sensor with Arduino Microcontroller
Another illustration how to wire and build a simple water level, rainfall, leakage & water overflow detection. As you can see the first diagram below its uses a water sensor module which can be plug easily or build your own
Wiring the Bluetooth HC06 / 4 Channel Relay Switching with Android
Another guide how to wire the HCo6 and 4 Channel Relay for switching, The HC06 modules uses BlueCore is a single chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz system including enhance data rates (EDR) to 3Mbps. for more details
Wiring TCRT5000 IR Tracking Sensor with Raspberry Pi
IR Light reflection switch, useful for obstacle avoidance or line following, for obstacle avoidance you can place this module in front of the sender /receive diodes that will cause the out pin to be pulled low at distance of 1cm.
Wiring Photo Interrupter Light Blocking Switch with Raspberry Pi
photo interrupter is transmission type photo sensor that integrates optical receiving and transmitting elements in a single package please see the diagram below. Since the method involves light blocking commonly named photo interrupter. A long life infrared photo diodes is
Wiring MPU 6050 MEMS Accelerometer GYRO on RPI
Another illustration that demonstrate how to use MPU6050 on Raspberry Pi. The MPU 6050 sensor board contains a MEMS ACCELEROMETER and MEMS GYRO a single chip that provide a very accurate data, as it contains 16bits analog to digital conversion